Help for Casterm Plastics Store Search
Searching Our Store
The online store search is a fully featured, powerful tool for customers to search across all of our shop's products.
Using wildcards
Add a trailing astrisk (*) to search for words starting with a specific set of characters and ending with any characters.
will return all products containing product numbers starting with "mcc"
Using AND, OR and NOT operators
All search terms are by default AND-ed together, so searching for
will search results containing both "artichoke" and "hearts". No joining operators are necessary.
Searching for
will give results containing at least one of "artichoke" or "hearts".
Searching for results without a term can be done by prefixing the term with a minus sign.
will match things with "artichoke" but not "heart".
Searching specific fields
Prefix a term with a field name and colon to narrow your search for that term to the specified field.
For example:
will search for things with artichoke specifically in their title.
The following fields are available to use: